Monday, September 21, 2009

And the award for the biggest Asshole goes to...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Oh Thank God for Kanye West!

What an abominable idiot! I only wish he would have knocked Taylor Swift on her ass taking the mic from her. Only that could have made this better.

More than likely you are already sick of reading, hearing or seeing crap on this story, but we could not pass it up. How often do you get someone so completely self absorbed on stage, in front of millions of people who has the audacity to bully a little girl and he's not on a realty tv show?

Kanye West is truly a great big friggin' idiot and will be at the top of our Idiots of the Year Poll this winter. (Be sure to send in your recommendations in case we've missed someone).

The thing that really bothers me though is the pity party that he tried to throw for himself on Jay Leno the next evening. Basically saying that he was going to have to take some time off and really think about what he had done and how he was going to move passed it.

Putting himself in a time-out. Utter bullsh!t.

What does Kanye West do all day that he has to take time out from so that he can reflect on what a complete ass-wipe he is? Nothing. The guy does nothing.

Well that's not true, he does have to shave retarded looking crap in his hair and write songs with one chord and the same seven words repeated over and over again. He also needs time to steal music from lesser known rappers, lift jazz musicians' riffs and entire melodies, pretend to be a hip-hop artist while selling bubblegum techno and break paparazzi cameras at LAX.

Oh I almost forget ,he need time to cry about his momma too.

All in all he probably is too busy to sit down and think about what an
a$shole he is.

People stop buying is crap, would ya?

All of this was enough to make a great story and to feed our hate machine, but the proverbial cherry on top was this delicious bit:

Even the President thinks Kanye is an ass, um jackass that is. But of course he's an ass for saying it, right Rush?

In a related story, Kanye's mother's grave was recently seen turning over.