Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Future Divorcés

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Alright. We have a number of Celebrity Asshole E-vites this week.

First up, Mel Gibson

Wow. Perhaps the biggest celebrity news of the week. Mel and his wife of 28 years, Robyn Moore, are getting divorced.gibsonmoore_l_21

Thanks to the laws in California she's going to walk with $500 million. Half of what Mel is worth. This could be the richest celebrity divorce yet.

Check out the pic. Does it look like her vagina would have teeth?

$500 million to get away from that? Good call, Mel!

Gotta side with Seargent Martin Riggs, William Wallace and Mad Max.


Speaking of celebrity divorces, how can we not bring up Hulk Hogan?


Hulkamania is running wild since he made the following comment: "I could've turned everything into a crime scene, like O.J., cutting everybody's throat," "You see a 19 year old boy driving your Escalade, sleeping in your bed, with your wife. I mean, I totally understand O.J."

People are going nuts over this. 

Please. A little patience for the Hulkster. It's one thing to actually kill your wife. But to think it out loud? Come on guys, who hasn't fantasized about killing their ex-wife? Every guy out there who's divorced, paying outrageous child support, had their friends driven away, can only see your kids when it works out for her, etc. Raise your fucking hands! 

Can't blame the guy for THINKING it. Saying it though, to the press? Not wise Hulk.


Now, both of these guys could learn some things from former Power Rangers star Skylar Deleon. If you haven't heard, this guy just got sentenced to death for the murder of a couple in California. It seems that he and his wife, Jennifer, lured a couple onto a yacht, tied them to an anchor and threw them overboard. 


Ahhh, nothing says commitment like committing murder together.

Note: He only had a bit part on ONE episode but the internet is going crazy with the Power Ranger Murder headline. Too bad it wasn't the Red Power Ranger. He was a dick.


So, in closing, we invite Mel and Hulk to our site. You're welcome here. We feel for ya.

But not you Skylar. Killing people isn't cool. Plus, you tried to cut your penis off in jail. WTF? I don't care how bad things get. Who does that?